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EDNA plays the Fame Game

Tater Tatas

Hi...what day is it? 2020. This is some biblical shit, right?

Normal things I’ve been up to: *eating more, *still watching a lot of comedy, *still organizing #BLM protests, *still pressuring our supervisors & police commission to reimagine public safety.

Even more loss

Ray Wong, (a fellow electronic music scene buddy) died in August from what appears to be heart failure in his sleep. He was dreading mortality with me months prior so I hope our conversation helped ease him into peace.

Kevin Dowell was one of the most generous friends I had in the city. For over a decade he offered to teach me how to drive but I didn't want to fuck up his expensive cars. He died a few weeks ago, seemingly of a heart attack, in his sleep. The last time we hung out at his house was in May and we watched Curb Your Enthusiasm. I'm grateful for our moments together.

Mikl Em had a brain tumor for a year so his friends had the amazing opportunity to say goodbye for weeks as he entered hospice. I made him a video and he watched it and likely chuckled. He was an inspiring character on and off stage. I'm glad we have evidence of all this on film.

Here's a lovely tribute to him: KQED on Mikl Em

New Stuff:


If you subscribe to my channel, you'd be doing me a solid!

I have the whole Story of my Life: No Shower series up in its own separate section now. And more updates on the plumbing down here. I'm definitely going to add to it. Click this link above for those videos.

Like I said before, Ross Travis and I made a second video to our 2 part series. Here are both for you!

I'm premiering my Owl drag music video in PoleSexual this Sunday, September 6th at 7 PM on this online channel: www.Twitch.TV/PoleatHome

TUNE IN for fun on Labor Day weekend!

I am a regular, featured comedian on The Great Northern's new late show, featuring bands, DJs, comedians and weird, local commercials. Next one is on Friday, September 11th at 7 PM and 9 PM. Find it here:

Creative Shit I’ve been up to:

I'm working on a new and improved Punch and Judy puppet show, coming to you before Election Day, in collaboration with Climate Theater and Mystic Midway!

I am editing new drag videos, coming soon!

Remember to laugh at everything stupid! -- Love 4 Laughter, Edna Mira Raia

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